Ph.D. Uğur Özcan

Raum E047

Bachstraße 18k

07743 Jena



  • (2004-2009) PhD. Süleyman Demirel University, Institute of Social  Science, Isparta/TURKEY.  Title of Thesis : II. Abdülhamid Dönemi Osmanlı-Karadağ Siyasi İlişkileri, (Political Relations Between the Ottoman Empire and Montenegro During the Era of Abdul Hamid II).
  • (1999-2004) MA., Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Institute of Social Science, Eskisehir/TURKEY. Title of Thesis: Başlangıçtan Günümüze Balkan Sorunu ve 1903 Mürzsteg Planı (From the Beginning till Today Balkan Question and 1903 Murzsteg Programme)
  • (1995-1999) BA., Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Arts & Science, Department of History, Isparta/TURKEY. Title of Thesis: Çeçenistan’ın Dünü ve Bugünü (Chechnya from Past to Present)


  • (From 2024) Stipendiat der Gerda-Henkel Stiftung im Rahmen der „Funding Initiative for Threatened and Refugee Researchers“ am Lehrstuhl für Neuere Geschichte (Prof. Dr. Dietze) am Historischen Institut der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Jena/DEUTSCHLAND
  • (2022-2023) Stipendiat der Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung am Lehrstuhl für Neuere Geschichte (Prof. Dr. Dietze) am Historischen Institut der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Jena/DEUTSCHLAND
  • (2020-2022) Stipendiat der Philipp Schwartz Initiative der Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung am Lehrstuhl für Neuere Geschichte (Prof. Dr. Dietze) am Historischen Institut der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Jena/DEUTSCHLAND
  • (SoSe 2021) Lehrauftrag für das Seminar im Aufbaumodul: „Das Osmanische Reich in der Welt des 19. Jahrhunderts. Verflechtungen und Austauschprozesse“ (zusammen mit Dr. des. Dennis Dierks). Jena/DEUTSCHLAND
  • (2019-2020) Stipendiat vom International Institute of Education Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE- SRF) am Lehrstuhl für Neuere Geschichte (Prof. Dr. Dietze) am Historischen Institut der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Jena/DEUTSCHLAND
  • (2019- Continuing)  Gastwissenschaftler (Visiting Scholar) Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Historisches Institut/GERMANY
  • (2016) Associate Professor  İstanbul University, Institute of Atatürk’s  Principalities and Reforms, İstanbul/TURKEY.
  • (2015-2016 Associate Professor İstanbul University, Institute of Euroasia İstanbul/TURKEY.
  • 2013-2016 Assistant Professor İstanbul University, Institute of Euroasia, İstanbul/TURKEY.
  • (2013) Vice Director İstanbul University/ Institute of Euroasia, Istanbul/TURKEY
  • (2012) Vice Dean Ahi Evran University/Faculty of Arts & Science, Kirsehir/TURKEY
  • (2010–2012) Vice Head  Ahi Evran University/Faculty of Arts & Science Department of History, Kirsehir/TURKEY
  • (2010-2011) Board Member Ahi Evran University /Mucur Vacational School Kırşehir/TURKEY
  • (2010-2011) Board Member Ahi Evran University, Çicekdağ Vacational School,
  • Kırşehir/TURKEY
  • (2010-2011) Visiting Lecturer Kirsehir Police Vocational College, Kirsehir/TURKEY.
  • (2009-2013) Assistant Professor Ahi Evran University, Department of History, Kırsehir/TUREY.
  • (2006-2008) Social Science Teacher Private Elementary School, Sakarya/TURKEY.
  • (2005-2006) History Teacher Private College, Sakarya/TURKEY.


  • (7.-25.08.2023) Teilnahmebestätigung, 81. Internationales Sommerkurs für Deutsche Sprache und Kultur, Institut für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache und Interkulturelle Studien an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Jena/ GERMANY
  • (11.08.2023) Teilnahmebestätigung, Sprachtraining Deutsch C1 von Internationalen Büro der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, durchgeführt von 23.05.2022 bis 11.08.2023 von JenDaF e.V. Jena/ GERMANY.
  • (16.05.2023) Certificate of Completion of the Seminar “Afghanistan under the Taliban” led by Dr. Shoaib Rahim and Dr. Kazim Karimi, the New University in Exile Consortium between 14.03.2023-16.05.2023.
  • Certificate of Participation, Workshop „Starting a Career in Germany. Strategies for finding a job inside or outside of Academia“ International Office of Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Jena/ GERMANY
  • (22.11.2022) Zertifikat Lehrqualifikation Basic, Servicestelle Lehrelernen, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Jena/ GERMANY
  • (18.11.2022) Certificate of Participation, „Teaching In English“ Servicestelle Lehrelernen, Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Jena/ GERMANY
  • (22.06.2022) Zertifikat telc-B2 (The European Language Certificates) Deutsch B2.
  • (28.01.2022) Teilnahmebescheinigung B2.1. German Course, Internationales Büro, Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena. Jena/ GERMANY
  • (10.09.2021) Teilnahmebescheinigung, „Vorlesungen Mal Anders-Interaktive Lehre mit großen Gruppen“ Workshop von Servicestelle LehreLernen der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Jena/GERMANY
  • (05.07.2021) TELC (The European Language Certificates) Deutsch B1 Zertifikat
  • (2019-2020) Certificate of Achivement, “Dangerous Questions: Why Academic Freedom Matters?“ University of Oslo & Scholars At Risk. Offered through Future Learn, Issued 13th March 2020. Verify at
  • (2019-2020) Certificate of Completion of an online non-credit course,“The Modern World, Part One: Global History from 1760 to 1910“ University of Virginia offered through Coursera; Issued 02/10/2020, Verify at
  • (2019) Certificate of Participation in the workshop „Hidden Differences: How to Communicate with Germans and Avoid Pitfalls Misunderstandings and Conflicts“ Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, Internationales Büro, Jena/GERMANY.
  • (2019) Certificate of Anerkenung of the PhD. Degree,  Kultusminister Konferenz Zentralstelle für Ausländisches Bildungswesen, 22.11. 2019, Bonn/ GERMANY.
  • (2018-2019) Certificate of Completion of Credentials, “Comparative Political History of the  Modern Middle East”  Off-University Program,  In collaboration with Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich/ GERMANY.
  • (2015) Certificate of Associate Professorship (Doçentlik Belgesi) T.C. Universitelerarası Kurul (Turkish Republic Inter-University Committee) Ankara/TURKEY
  • (2001-2002) Certificate of Completion POLY Languages Institute at Los Angeles, California/USA
  • (2002-2003) Certificate of Completion Language Systems International College of English, Los Angeles, CA 90010/ USA
  • (2003) Certificate of Educational Credential Evaluation (BA, MA, and Pedagogical Formation Credentials) Josef Silny & Associates, Inc. International Education Consultants, Miami, FL /USA
  • (1997-1999) Certificate of Pedagogical Formation,  Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Art & Science, Isparta/ TURKEY


  • 2015 “İstanbul’da Karadağlı bir Sefir: Mitar Bakiç (A Montenegrin Minister Plenipotentiary in İstanbul: Mitar Bakiç)” (III. International Symposium on Balkan History Studies, 22-26 April 2015, Bucharest / ROMANIA), Project Number: UDP-53343, İstanbul University, Coordinator.
  • 2013-2014 “Indigeneous Management Knowledge at State-owned Factories in The Late Ottoman Period (Geç Osmanlı Dönemi Devlet Fabrikalarında Yönetim Bilgisi (1827-1914): Anlayış ve Uygulamalar)" Project of TÜBİTAK (The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey)1001 Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı SOBAG 112K426, Researcher, Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Mustafa KURT.
  • 2012-2013 “Kırşehir in the ‘Muhimme Defters’ in the 17th and 18th century (17. ve 18. Yüzyıl Mühimme Defterlerinde Kırşehir)” Project of Ahi Evran University Scientific Research and Development Support Program (Bilimsel Araştırma ve Geliştirme Destekleme Programı Projesi (BAP-4001), Researcher, 2012-Coordinator: Asst. Prof. Dr. Murat Tuğluca, 2012.
  • 2006-2008 “Accounting Method Used by Ottomans for 500 Years: Stairs (Merdiban) Method (Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda 500 Yıl Boyunca Kullanılan Muhasebe Yöntemi: Merdiven Yöntemi)" Project of TÜBİTAK (The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey), SOBAG-105K160, Researcher, 2006-2008. Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Cemal Elitaş.


  • (Starting 2024) Fellowship of the Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung („Funding Initiative for Threatened and Refugee Researchers“), GERMANY
  • (2022-2023) Fellowship of the Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung, GERMANY
  • (2020-2022) Fellowship for 2 years from The Philipp Schwartz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, GERMANY.
  • Small Grant for Workshop Organisation, 2500 Euro, “Academics in Solidarity", Freie Universität Berlin, GERMANY.
  • (2019-2020) Fellowship for 1 year, from The Institute of International Education (IIE-SRF), New York, USA.
  • (2019) Matching Funds, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Jena/GERMANY for one Year.
  • (2017) Invitation Letter, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois/USA, Center for Russian East European and European and Euroasian Studies Chair, Department of Slavic and Eurosian Studies, Visiting Scholar, from September 1, 2016 through September 1, 2017.
  • (2017) Invitation Letter, Columbia University, Harriman Institute, New York/USA Visiting Scholar, from September 1, 2016 to September 1, 2017.
  • (2016) Invitation Letter, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz/AUSTRIA, Visiting Scholar, from August 2016 to December 2016.
  • (2013) Invitation Letter, University of Texas at Austin, Texas/USA, Center for Russian East European, European and Euroasian Studies Chair, Department of Slavic and Eurosian Studies, Visiting Scholar, from August 15, 2012 through August 15, 2013.
  • (2004) MA Acceptance Modern History, Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah/Georgia/USA
  • (2003) Award of Recognation, Bosphorus Ed. Corp., Los Angales/ California/ USA.


  • History of Balkans/Southeasteurope
  • Social, Cultural and Political History of Ottoman Empire
  • Ottoman Modernisation and the Question of the East
  • Caucassian settlements in Ottoman Empire
  • Tribal Societies in Ottoman Empire
  • Religion, Identity und Justice under the Ottoman Rule
  • Women in Ottoman Empire
  • History of Ottoman Diplomacy
  • Macedonian Question
  • History of Immigration in 19th Century and Immigrants in Ottoman Empire
  • History of Montenegro and Ottoman Montenegrin Relations
  • Accounting History



  • Abdülhamid Dönemi Osmanlı Karadağ Siyasi İlişkileri (Political Relations Between the Ottoman Empire and Montenegro During the Era of Abdul Hamid II), Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu (TTK) (Turkish Historical Society) 2013. pp:430).
  • Osmanlı’dan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ne Karadağ’da Türk Sefirleri ve  Şehbenderleri  (Turkish  Ambassadors  and  Consuls  in Montenegro from the Ottoman Empire to Turkish Republic), (with Abidin Temizer;  Ankara: Öncü Kitap, 2012, pp.168; revised and enhanced version İstanbul: Bilge Kültür Sanat Publication, 2015, pp. 200.
  • Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda 500 Yıl Boyunca Kullanılan Muhasebe Yöntemi: Merdiven Yöntemi, (with Cemal Elitas, Oktay Güvemli, Oguzhan Aydemir,  Mehmet Erkan and Mustafa Oğuz; Ankara: T.C. Maliye Bakanlığı Yayınları, 2008, (pp. 763); English translation of this book: Accounting Method Used by Ottomans for 500 Years: Stairs (Merdiban) Method , (with C. Elitas, O.Güvemli,  Aydemir,  M.Erkan and M.Oğuz; Ankara: T.C. Maliye Bakanlığı Yayınları, 2008, (pp.700).


Balkanlar’da Osmanlı Mirası ve Defter-i Hâkânî (Ottoman Legacy in Balkans and Land Registry), V. I-II. (with Abidin Temizer; İstanbul: Libra Yayınları, 2015. 


  • „Odnos Osmanske Vlasti Prema Hrišćanskom Stonovništvu u Podgorici u XIX. Vıjeku“, in: Dragan Radulovic (Ed.), Crna Gora i Osmansko Carstvo, Zbornik Međuradnog Naučnog Skupa, Podgorica 23. i 24. Novembar 2015, Podgorica: MATICA Crnogorska, 2017, pp. 103-147.
  • „İstanbul'da Karadağlı bir Sefir: Mitar Bakiç (A Montenegrin Minister Plenipotentiary in İstanbul: Mitar Bakiç)“, in: Zafer Gölen & Abidin Temizer (Ed.), Balkan Tarihi v. II, Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı, 2016, p. 377-418.
  • „Osmanlı Adalet Mekanizmasının Balkanlarda İşleyişi ve Podgoriça’da bir Cinayet Davasının Serancamı (1874-1875) (Functioning of Ottoman Justice Mechanism in the Balkans and the course of a Murder Case in Podgorica (1874 -1875)“, in: Abidin Temizer & Ugur Özcan (Ed.), Balkanlar’da Osmanlı Mirası ve Defter-i Hâkânî, v. 2, İstanbul: Libra Yayınları, 2015, p. 581-619.
  • „II. Abdülhamid Dönemi Osmanlı- Karadağ İlişkilerinde Nehir Diplomasisi: Boyana Nehri’nde Seyrüsefer ve Temizlik Meselesi (The River Diplomacy in the Abdul Hamid II. Era Ottoman- Montenegro Relations: Question of the Navigation and the Cleaning on the River Bojana)“, in: Şakir Batmaz & Özer Tok (Ed.), Osmanlı Devleti’nde Nehirler ve Göller, v. II, Kayseri: Not Yayınları, 2015, p. 745-793.
  • „Ottoman Prisoners of War and their Repatrition Challange in Balkan Wars, (Турски Војни Заробљеници После Првог Балканског Рата И Питање Репатријације)“, in: Aleksandar Rastoviç (Ed.), Први Балкански Pат 1912/1913. Године: Друштвени И Цивилизацијски  Смисао.  Поводом  Стогодишњице Ослобођења Старе Србије И Македоније 1912. (The First Balkan War: Social And Cultural Meaning, On the 100th Anniversary of the Liberation of The Old Serbia and Macedonia 1912), v. I, Niš: The University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, 2013, p.159-182.
  • „Bir Sırp Diplomatın Anılarında Abdülhamid (Abdul Hamid in the Memoary of a Serbian Diplomat)“ in: Metin Hülagü, Şakir Batmaz, Gülbadi Alan (Ed.), Devr-i Hamid, v.5, Kayseri: Erciyes University Publication, 2011, p. 229-251.
  • „19. Yüzyılda Merzifon'a İskân Edilen Kafkas Muhacirleri (Caucasian Emigrants to be Settled in Merzifon in 19th Century)“, in: Hasan Babacan (Ed.), Geçmişten Günümüze Merzifon, Ankara: Merzifon Belediyesi Kültür Yayinlari, 2010, p. 41-61.


  • „The Montenegrins in the Ottoman Empire as "enemy aliens" during the First World War“, Journal of Modern European History (angenommen und in Vorbereitung. IDMEH-23-0028)
  • „1878-1912 Yılları Arasında Manastır Vilayetinde Okullaşma ve Okullaşmanın Milliyetçilik Üzerindeki Etkisi (Schooling in Manastir (Bitola) Vilayet between 1878 – 1912 and Influence of Schooling on Nationalism)“, in: Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi/ Journal of Euroasian Studies, II/1 (2013), Istanbul 2012, pp. 353-423. ISSN: 2147-0847.
  • “Sukob oko simbola na osmansko-crnogorskoj granici : problem brda Jezero i slučaj Ržanice”, in: Almanah (časopis za proučavanje, zaštitu i prezentaciju kulturno-istorijske baštine Muslimana), V. 55-56 (2013), Podgorica/MONTENEGRO, p. 283-289.
  • „II. Abdülhamid’in Diplomasisinde Yüksek Topuklar: Karadağ Prensesi Milena ve Sultan Abdülhamid (High Heels in the Diplomacy of Abdulhamid II: Princess Milena of Montenegro and Sultan Abdulhamid)“, in: OTAM (Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi), Vol: 32, Year: 2012, pp.113-140. Doi:10.1501/OTAM_0000000605
  • „Sultan Abdülhamid Dönemi Osmanlı Devleti’nde Yabancı İşçiler: Karadağlılar (Foreign Workers in Ottoman Empire in Abdul Hamid Era: Montenegrins)“, in: Motif Akademi Halkbilimi Dergisi (Motif Academy Folklore Journal), Balkan Special Issue, 2012/2, pp. 83-107. ISSN: 1308-4445.
  • „XIX. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Devletinde Nasturi, Ermeni, Yezidi ve Çerkez Topluluklarında Başlık Parası Uygulamaları (Bride Price Practices in Nestorian, Armenian, Yezidi and Circassian Communities in the 19th Century Ottoman Empire)“, with M.G. Dalyan, in: Millî Folklor (International and Quarterly Journal of Cultural Studies), 2013, Year 25, Volume 98, pp. 147-164. ISSN: 2146-8087.
  • „Ottoman Financial Aids to Montenegro and The Loan Agreements between Ottoman State and Montenegro", Istorijski Zapisi (Историјски Записи) Ecrits Historiques, 2010, pp. 167-180. ISSN: YU 0021-2652.
  • „XIX. yüzyılda Rumlarda ve Arnavutlarda Evlilik Müessesesinde Başlık Uygulamaları (The Praxis of Bride Price by The Greeks And Albanians in the Institution of Marriage in The 19th Century)“ with M.G. DALYAN, in: History Studies International Journal of History 2011, pp.319 - 336. ISSN: 1309 -4688. DOI: 10.9737/hist_398.
  • „Yabancıların Gözüyle 19.yyda Karadağ Kadını (Montenegrin Women Through the Eyes of Foreigners in 19th Century)“, in: SDÜ Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (SDU Journal of Social Science), Isparta 2009, pp.25-37. ISSN: 1300-9435.


  • (23.09.2023) “Crime and Punishment in the Ottoman Balkans during the Hamidian and Constitutional Period: Prisons and Prisoners of the Kosovo Vilayet (1876-1912)” Turkologentag 2023, (Zum Programm und zum Abstract (Externer Link), S. 180) Universität Wien, 21-23.09.2023, Wien/ ÖSTERREICH.
  • (21.12.2022) „Der Prinz und der Sultan, politische Beziehungen zwischen dem Osmanischen Reich und Montenegro in der Hamidischen Ära (1878-1909)“ Online-Vortrag per BigBlueButton im "Kolloquium zur Neueren und Nordamerikanischen Geschichte" (Prof. Dr. Carola Dietze und PD. Dr. Marko Kreutzmann) am Historisches Institut der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena/ DEUTSCHLAND.
  • (27.11.2020) “Montenegrin Women through the Eyes of Foreign Travellers in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries”, vorgetragen auf dem von mir organisierten  digitalen Workshop “Workshop at the Chair of Modern History: “Travelogues of the Orient in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries”, unterstützt von AIS (Academics in Solidarity) der Freien Universität Berlin und dem Lehrstuhl für Neuere Geschichte, Historisches Institut, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 27. November 2020, Online Platform: Cisco Webex, Jena/DEUTSCHLAND. Das Plakat des Workshop: pdf und die Broschüre des Workshop: pdf (deutsch) / pdf (engl.)
  • „Ulcinj under and after the Ottoman Rule: Trade, Politics and Religion“, in: 7. Nachwuchsworkshop des ZMS für MediterranistInnen, Zentrum für Mittelmeerstudien Ruhr-Universität Bochum vom 21. bis 22.11.2018, Bochum/ GERMANY
  • „Birinci Dünya Savasında Karadağ ve Savaş Sırasında Osmanlı Topraklarındaki Vatandaşlarının Durumu (Montenegro in the First World War and the Situation of her Citizens in the Ottoman Lands)“, in: The Balkans and Migration on the 100th Anniversary of the First World War, International Congress, İstanbul University Institute of Euroasia and Rumeli Balkan Dernekleri Federasyonu, 2-4 December 2015. Istanbul/ TURKEY.
  • „İstanbul’da Karadağlı bir Sefir: Mitar Bakiç (A Montenegrin Minister Plenipotentiary in İstanbul: Mitar Bakiç), in: III. International Syposium on Balkan History Studies (UBTAS), 22-26 April 2015, Bucharest/ ROMANIA.
  • „Yezero Tepesi Sorunu ve Irjaniçe Hadisesi“, in: Plav ve Gusine Müslümanlarının Göçü ve Yaşanan Sorunlar (Vakat Zuluma 1912-1913), Meşihat Islamske Zajednice u Crnoj Gori, 2013, Plav and Gusine/ MONTENEGRO.
  • “II. Abdülhamid Dönemi Osmanlı- Karadağ İlişkilerinde Nehir Diplomasisi: Boyana Nehri’nde Seyrüsefer ve Temizlik Meselesi (The River Diplomacy in the Abdul Hamid II. Era Ottoman- Montenegro Relations: Question of the Navigation and the Cleaning on the River Bojana” in: Uluslararası Osmanlı Devletinde Nehirler ve  Göller  Sempozyumu  (Rivers  and  Lakes  in  Ottoman  Empire International Symposium (Trade- Transport- Military - Law- Agriculture), 02-03 May 2013, Erciyes University, Kayseri/ TURKEY.
  • “Accounting Education In The 14th Century: Model of Saadetname” with Bilge Leyli ELİTAŞ and Cemal ELİTAŞ, in: 13th World Congress of Accounting Historians, 17-19 July 2012, Newcastle/ UNITED KINGDOM.
  • “Ottoman Prisoners of War after the First Balkan War and the Question of Repatrition, (Турски Војни Заробљеници После Првог Балканског Рата И Питање Репатријације)“, in: International Syposium on The First Balkan War: Social And Cultural Meaning (On The 100th Anniversary Of The Liberation Of The Old Serbia And Macedonia 1912), June 1-3, 2012, Vranje/SERBIA.
  • “19.yy Son Çeyreğinde Manastır Vilayetinde Okullaşma ve Okullaşmanın Milliyetçilik Üzerindeki Etkisi”, in: Osmanlı’nın Balkanlardan Çekilişinin 100. yıldönümü: Medeniyet mi? İşgal mi? Bize ne Bıraktılar?, Dukljanska Aakademija Nauka/Umjetnosti Academia Dioclitana Scientiarum Et Artium Doclean Academy of Sciences and Arts, 12-15 Ekim 2012, Podgoriça/ MONTENEGRO.
  • “Osmanlı-Karadağ ve Osmanlı-Sırbistan İlişkilerinde İâde-i Mücrimîn (Suçluların İadesi) Meselesi ve Çözümü (The Question of Extradition in the Ottoman-Montenegrin and  Ottoman-Serbian  Relations  and  Its  Solution)” in: International Balkan Symposium Friendship and Collaboration in the Balkans, 5-7 October, 2012, Süleyman Demirel University-Epoka University-Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, 2012. Isparta/ TURKEY.
  • “19.yüzyılda Osmanlı Devletinde Yabancı İşçiler: Karadağlılar (Foreign Workers in Ottoman Empire in Abdul Hamid Era: Montenegrins)”, in: I. International Balkan Congress Yesterday-Today- Tomarrow and Change (24–26 September, 2012 İstanbul/ TURKEY.
  • "A Turning Point in the Movement of Nationalism in the Balkans: The Treaty of Bucharest in 1812", in: 200th Anniversary of the winding-up of Russian - Turkey Treaty ‘Treaty of Bucharest’, signed on May 16 / 28, 1812, Liga Culturala pentru Unitatea Românilor de Pretutindeni, May 26, 2012, Bucharest/ ROMANIA.
  • “Karadağ’da İslam (Islam u Crnoj Gori)” in: Crna Gora u doba Osmanlija i nakon toga (Karadağ’da Osmanlı Hâkimiyeti ve Sonrası Semineri), Islamaksa Zajednica u Crnoj Gori Mesihat Islamske Zajednice, 20 October 2011, Podgorica/MONTENEGRO.
  • "Mudanya Konya Trenyolu Projesi ve Ferik Necip Paşa'nın Layihası", in: CIEPO Uluslararası Osmanlı Öncesi ve Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırmaları 4. Ara Dönem Sempozyumu Bildirileri Kitabı, 14-16 Nisan 2011 Uşak/ TURKEY, p.993-1015. ISBN 978–975–01264–7–5.
  • “19.Yüzyılda Balkanlarda Kan Davaları ve Çözüm Arayışı: Müsâlaha-i Dem Komisyonları (Blood Feuds in the Balkans in the 19th Century and the Search for Conflict Resolution: The Blood Settlement Commissions)” in: CIEPO-19 Symposium (International Committee of Pre-Ottoman And Ottoman Studies) Yüzüncü Yıl University, July 26-30, 2010, Van/ TURKEY. (Abstract).
  • "19.yy’da Çerkezlerde Kadın Algısı ve Çerkez Kadınının Toplumdaki Yeri (Women Perception of the Circassian Community and the Place of Women in the Society in the 19th Century)" in: International Multidisciplinary Women's Congress Proceedings (21. Yüzyılın Eşiğinde Kadınlar Değişim ve Güçlenme), v. 4, International Multidisciplinary Women's Congress, İzmir/ TURKEY 2010, p. 599-612. ISBN: 978-975-441-283-3
  • ( with B. L. Elitaş, O.Kalkan), "A Sample Application Of Stairs Accounting Method And Cash Awqaf In Ottoman State", in: 2nd Balkans and Middle East Countries Conference on Auditing and Accounting History (2nd BMAC) 15- 18 September 2010 Conference Proceedings, v. III, Eylül 2010 İstanbul/ TURKEY, p. 1895-1915. ISBN: 978-975-8195-16-9.
  • “Ottoman Financial Aids to Montenegro and The Loan Agreements between Ottoman State and Montenegro”, in: The 130th anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations of Montenegro with the Great Powers After Getting Independence in 1878, University of Montenegro, History Institute of Montenegro, 20/21 October 2009 Podgorica/ MONTENEGRO. (Revised version has been published)
  • "XIX. Yüzyıldan Bugüne Karadağ Kadını ve Değişim Süreci (From 19th Century On, Place of Montenegrin Women in the Society and Their Transition", in: ‘Women’ as a Category of Science: The Second International Women’s Symposium on Literature, Language, Culture and Art Studies (27-29 April 2009) Proceedings, V.2, April 2009, Aydın/ TURKEY, p.366-371.
  • (with ELİTAŞ Cemal, ERKAN Mehmet, KALKAN Oguzhan), "Accounting Education for the Practice of Stairs Method in the Ottoman State", in: 12th World Congress of Accounting Historians (July 20-24, 2008) Congress Proceedings V.I, July 2008 İstanbul/ TURKEY, p. 703-712. ISBN: 978-975-01960-5-8
  • (with ELİTAŞ Cemal, ERKAN Mehmet, AYDEMIR Oguzhan) "Accounting System In Ilhanians And A Sample Practice", in: The Balkan Countries’ 1st International Conference On Accounting And Auditing PAPERS Edirne/ TURKEY, 2007, p.755-772. ISBN: 978-975-01960-10.
  • (with ELİTAŞ Cemal, ERKAN Mehmet, AYDEMIR Oguzhan), "Accounting Practices In Abbasids and A Sample Practice", in: The Balkan Countries’ 1st International Conference on Accounting and Auditing PAPERS, Edirne/ TURKEY, 2007, p.562-580. ISBN: 978-975-01960-10.


  • (2011) "Avrupa'daki İslamafobiye Karşı Fatih'in Fermanı!", in: Stratejik Düşünce (SD) Aylık Uluslararası İlişkiler ve Strateji Dergisi (Journal of International Relations and Strategy), September 2011, Year 2, v. 22, Ankara: Stratejik Düşünce Enstitüsü (Institute of Strategic Thinking), p.98-103.
  • (2009) "Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül’ün Karadağ Ziyareti: 110 Yıl Sonra Gerçekleşen İade-i Ziyaret ve Yansımaları”, in: USAK Gündem,, Ankara: Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu, 12 December 2009. Access date: 04.03.2012. Also available at (Externer Link)
  • (2009) "Tursko-Crnogorski odnosi u vrijeme Sultana Abdulhamida II i Knjaza Nikole", in: Revija Forum, Specijalno izdanje, Decembar 2009, Zbornik, İzlaganja sa Okruglog stola o Crnogorsko - Turskom  Kulturološkom  i  Ukupno  Civilizacijskom  Prožimanju (Podgorica, 16. maja 2009. godine), The Association of Montenegrin-Turkish Friendship Round Table on Common Heritage and Founding Assembly of the Association, 16-17 May 2009, Podgorica/MONTENEGRO, 2009. p. 15-27. Available at: (Externer Link)
  • “Kimin Terörü Haklı?” in: Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, V. 61, Eylül 2005, İstanbu:l 2005, p. 28-34.

Forum, Panel, Seminare, Konferenzen

  • „Atatürk ve Milli Mücadele“ Panel, (wtih Yasat ÖZÜCETIN, Veli ÜNSAL, Ugur ÖZCAN). Organised by Ahi Evran University& Governer of Kirsehir, Kirsehir: 23 December 2011.
  • „II. Abdülhamit’in Balkan Politikasi“ Seminar, Balikesir Universitesi Necatibey Egitim Fakültesi Akademik Seminerleri, NEF Prof. Dr. Halil Inalcik Konferans Salonu, 2.6.2011, Balikesir/TURKEY
  • „Atatürk`ün Ölüm Yildönümü Münasebetiyle: Atatürk’ün Kisiligi“, Conference, Adalet Bakanligi Kirsehir Acik Ceza Infaz Kurumu, 10 Kasim 2010, Kirsehir/TURKEY.
  • „Kurtulus Savasina Hazilik Sürecinde Mustafa Kemal’in Anadolu’da Faaliyetleri„ Conference, Atatürk’ün Mucur’a Gelisinini Anma Etkinlikleri, Ahi Evran University Mucur Vocational School, 22 Aralik 2011, Mucur/ TURKEY.
  • „Sultan Abdulhamid II ve Prens Nikola döneminde Türk – Karadağ İlişkileri (Tursko-crnogorski odnosi u vrijeme Sultana Abdulhamida II i Knjaza Nikole)“, Forum, Round Table Discussion, Cultural and Civilizational Permeation of Montenegro and Turkey, Forum of Muslims/Bosniaks of Montenegro & TIKA, The Founding Assembly of the Association, 16 May 2009, Podgorica/Montenegro.

Interviews, Medienauftritte

Mitgliedschaften und Funktionen


  • (2021- Continuing) American Historical Association (AHA), Washington, DC/USA, Member.
  • (2021- Continuing) Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Bloomington, Indiana/USA, Member.
  • (2019) “Academics in Solidarity” Freie Universität Berlin/GERMANY, Member Mentee 2019.
  • 2019) Die Gesellschaft für Turkologie, Osmanistik und Türkeiforschung e.V. (GTOT), Member, Universität Wien, Wien/AUSTRIA.
  • (2018- Continuing) Zentrum für Mittelmeerstudien, Ruhr-Universität Bochum/GERMANY, Member
  • (2012-2013) The World History Association (THEWHA) (, Northeastern University, Boston/ MA/USA, Member.
  • (2013) Türkiye’de Avrasya Çalışmalarında Metodoloji Çalıştayı (Methodology Workshop on Eurasian Studies in Turkey), 19 June 2013, İstanbul/TURKEY, Member of Scientific Committee.
  • (2012) International Balkan Symposium Friendship and Collaboration in the Balkans (5-7 October 2012). Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta/TURKEY, Member of Scientific Committee.
  • (2014-2016), The Studies of Ottoman Domain (International on-line Academic Peer Reviewed Journal),, Member of Editorial Board and Member of Scientific Committee.
  • (2012), I. International Balkan Congress Yesterday-Today- Tomarrow and Change (24–26 Eylül 2012), Süleyman Sah University, İstanbul/TURKEY, Member of Scientific Committee.
  • (2013), I. International Symposium On Balkan History Studies: Methodological Approaches (I. Uluslararası Balkan Tarihi Araştırmaları Sempozyumu (UBTAS): Metodolojik Yaklaşımlar), 26-28 May 2013, Balıkesir/TURKEY, Member of Organising Committee and Scientific Committee.
  • (2013) The First Balkan War: Social and Cultural Meaning, On the 100th Anniversary of the Liberation of The Old Serbia and Macedonia 1912, (Први Балкански Pат 1912/1913. Године: Друштвени И Цивилизацијски Смисао. Поводом Стогодишњице Ослобођења Старе Србије И Македоније 1912), Cilt 1-2, The University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, Ed: Assoc. Prf. Dr. Aleksandar Rastoviç, Niş 2013. ISBN: 978-86-7379-289-7. Nish/SERBIA, Member of the Editorial Board.
  • (2014) Наука И Савремени Универзитет Језик, Књижевност И Култура Тематски Зборник Радова Том Iv (Science and Modern Unıversity Language, Literature and Culture Thematic Collection of Papers, Volume Iv) Универзитет У Нишу Филозофски Факултет (University of Nis Faculty of Philosophy) Ниш (Niš), 2014. ISBN 978-86-7379-349-8, Nis/SERBIA, Member of the Editorial Board.
  • (2014) II. International Symposium on the Balkan History Studies (II. Uluslararası Balkan Tarihi Araştırmaları Sempozyumu) (UBTAS): "Balkanlar’da Osmanlı Mirası ve Defter-i Hakani" 1-4 May 2014, Podgorica/Montenegro, Member of the Scientific Committee.
  • (2013) Journal of Euroasian Studies (Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi (AVİD), İstanbul Üniversitesi Avrasya Enstitüsü, İstanbul 2013. Member of Scientific Committee.
  • (2013) Međunarodni Konferencije Наука И Савремени Универзите-3, (The International Conference Science and Modern University-3) 15-16 November 2013, Member of Orginising Committee.
  • (2011-2012) Government of Kırşehir Provincial Culture And Tourism Directorate, Comission of the History and Bibliyography of Kırsehir, Kirsehir/TURKEY, Member, 2011-2012.



  • (SoSe 2021) Das Seminar im Aufbaumodul: „Das Osmanische Reich in der Welt des 19. Verflechtungen und Austauschprozesse“ (zusammen mit Dr. des. Dennis Dierks). Historisches Institut der Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena. Jena/DEUTSCHLAND

 MA Courses Taught (İstanbul University, Institute of Eurasia)

  • (2015-2016) History of Serbia and Turkish-Serbian Relations
  • (2015-2016) War and Diplomacy in the Balkans
  • (2014-2015) History of Montenegro
  • (2013-2014) History of Balkans I-II

MA Courses Taught (Ahi Evran University, Institute of Social Science 2011-2012)

  • (2012-2013) Yakınçağ Osmanlı Tarihi (Modern Age Ottoman History)
  • (2012-2013) Türk Demokrasi Tarihi (History of Turkish Democracy)

BA Courses Taught (Ahi Evran University, Department of History 2010-2012)

  • (2012-2013) Osmanlı Teşkilat Tarihi I (History of Ottoman Governance)
  • (2012-2013) Yakınçağ Osmanlı Dış Politikası-I (Ottoman Foreign Policy in Modern History)
  • (2012-2013) Yakınçağ Avrupa Tarihi (Modern Age European History)
  • (2010-2011) Atatürk’s Principalities and Turkish Revolution History

© Carola Dietze.
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